What to Do if You Notice Your Child Struggling in School

What to Do if You Notice Your Child Struggling in School

What to Do if You Notice Your Child Struggling in School

What to Do if You Notice Your Child Struggling in School

What to Do if You Notice Your Child Struggling in School

School can often be a challenging environment for children, even more so when they are struggling academically. This struggle may manifest in different ways, such as poor grades, difficulty reading, or trouble paying attention in class. As parents, we naturally want to help our children succeed, but sometimes it's hard to identify the root cause of their struggles.


One often overlooked factor is vision problems. Vision is crucial in the learning process, and any issues can significantly impact a child's academic performance. Understanding the signs of potential vision problems is the first step to addressing and rectifying these issues.


Signs of Vision Problems in Children


Recognizing the signs of vision problems in children can be tricky. The symptoms are often subtle and can easily be mistaken for other issues like behavioral problems or learning disabilities. Some common signs include frequent eye rubbing, squinting, holding reading materials close to the face, complaining of headaches or tired eyes, or needing to use a finger to keep their place while reading. Difficulty with sizing and spacing or handwriting, or difficulty copying from the board are also signs of a vision problem.  Children with vision problems may also have difficulty with hand-eye coordination, affecting their ability to participate in sports or other physical activities.


Children may not always express or even understand that they are experiencing vision problems. They might believe that their vision is normal, as they don't have a point of reference to compare it with. It’s crucial to be vigilant about these signs and consult with an optometrist if you notice any of them. 


It’s not just blurry vision that can impact academic performance. Children can have problems with how their eyes work together, focus, track, and process information.  There are 17 visual skills used throughout the school day, and problems with any of them can impact learning.


How Children’s Vision Issues Affect Academic Performance

The correlation between vision problems and academic performance is significant. Vision is an essential part of the learning process, with approximately 80% of classroom learning being visual. If a child has vision problems, it can impair their ability to read, write, and even pay attention in class.

For instance, if a child struggles with nearsightedness (difficulty seeing distant objects), they might have trouble seeing the board in class. This can lead to missed information and difficulty in understanding lessons. On the other hand, a child with farsightedness (difficulty seeing close objects) may struggle with reading and writing, which are crucial components of learning.

Problems with how the eyes work together as a team or focus can make doing close work, like reading and writing, difficult to do for long periods of time.  Problems with eye coordination and focusing can cause words to move around on the age, go in and out of focus, and lead to headaches. Problems with how the eyes track can make a child lose their place while reading, or have trouble copying from the board.  Problems with visual spatial skills can cause difficulty with sizing and spacing of handwriting. Visual memory is needed for reading and spelling, Being able to picture a word in your mind helps us spell, and recognize it visually when reading.

Additionally, vision problems can have a profound impact on a child’sself-esteem and hinder their ability to participate in class and school learning. Struggling with visual problems may lead to feelings of frustration and inadequacy, as children don’t understand they are working harder than their peers. As children may struggle to read the board, follow along with textbooks, or engage in group activities, they might become reluctant to participate, fearing judgment or embarrassment. This avoidance can further isolate them from their peers, making it difficult to develop social connections and hindering their overall learning experience.


Importance of Regular Eye Exams for Children

Regular child eye exams are essential for ensuring your child's vision health and academic success. These exams can help detect vision problems early on, even before they start showing symptoms. Early detection allows for prompt treatment, which can prevent the problems from escalating and impacting the child's school performance and overall quality of life.

Eye exams are also important for tracking your child's vision development. Children's eyes change rapidly as they grow, and regular exams can ensure that they are developing normally. If any issues are detected, the optometrist can adjust the treatment plan accordingly.


Understanding Vision Therapy for Children

Vision therapy is a customized program designed to correct vision problems and improve visual skills. It involves enhancing visual abilities like eye tracking, focusing, eye teaming, and visual processing.

Vision therapy can be incredibly beneficial for children with vision-related learning difficulties. It can help them improve their visual skills and enhance their hand-eye coordination, which can boost their academic performance. The therapy involves a series of exercises done under the supervision of an optometrist, and the duration and frequency of the therapy depend on the child's specific needs.



It's essential to be aware of the signs of child vision problems and understand their potential impact on school performance. Regular eye exams and prompt consultation with an optometrist can help detect and address these issues early on. Good vision is not just about seeing clearly; it's about having the necessary visual skills to learn and thrive.

If you notice your child struggling in school, consider their vision health as a possible factor and take the necessary steps to address it. At Vision Rehabilitation Associates, we help our patients achieve better eye and vision health. You can visit our facility in Northfield, Illinois, for an in-person consultation. Please call 847-716-2340 to schedule an appointment today.

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